Insertion Trapdoor F30 GK 12.5mm for Partitions
95,50 €
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  • Delivery in 8-15 days1

■ Gypsum plasterboard inlay 12.5mm (F30)

■ Low installation depth, galvanised frame

Ideal for pre-wall installations and retrofitting

■ Non-detachable

■ DIN EN 1364-1: 1999-10, from both sides

Insertion Trapdoor F30 for Partitions
Insertion Trapdoor F60/90/120 GK 25mm for Partitions
129,65 €
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  • Available
  • Delivery in 8-15 days1

■ Gypsum plasterboard inlay 25mm (F60/90/120)

■ Low installation depth, galvanised frame

■ Ideal for pre-wall installations and retrofitting

■ Non-detachable

■ DIN EN 1364-1: 1999-10, from both sides

Insertion Trapdoor F60/90/120 for Partitions